History of Ectoine
Ectoine was first discovered in the extreme microorganism Halorhodospira halochloris, which resides in the salt lakes of Wadi Natrun (Egypt). The air humidity is so dry and salt concentration so high that plants and animals avoid this place and yet halophiles are able to survive these conditions. These halophiles are known as “extreme-loving” where they would live under conditions no other organism could ever survive, whether it's dauntless amounts of heat or cold, through extreme pressure or drastically salty conditions
Versatility of Ectoine
Ectoine occur widely in aerobic and halophilic organisms that enable them to survive under extreme conditions. These organisms protect their bipolymers against dehydration caused by high temperature, salt concentration and low water activity by substantial ectoine synthesis and enrichment within the cells. This allows moisturization levels to stay healthy in cells even through extreme changes in humidity or temperature or variation of salinity levels.
Stabilizes and protects natural bipolymers (proteins, nucleic acids, cell membrane structures) against high temperature, dry water loss, erosion, and osmotic pressure disorder.
Glycerol is used in medical, pharmaceutical and personal care preparations, often as a means of improving smoothness, providing lubrication, and as a humectant. The glycerol market alone will reach a total of 3.5 billion dollars by 2029. Thus the reason it being one of the leading ingredients in the cosmetic industry for moisturization. Below represents the moisturization contaminants of water using both ectoine and glycerol. Ectoine showing a much larger retention rate of moisturization compared to glycerol.
A1-Water A2- 200 ps
B1- Water & Ectoine B2-1000 ps
C1- Water & Glycerol C2-500 ps
-Water clusters around ectoine molecules remain stable for a long period of time, whereas the cluster of water and glycerol breaks down and water molecules diffuse out of the spheres.